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英国猪肉新政旨在弥补产能差距 英国猪肉安全吗

来源: 更新时间:2022-06-13 07:50:00
The Beginning

  UK - Closing the productivity gap between English and EU pig producers and a new focus on pork as a midweek meal solution are two underpinning themes of AHDB Pork’s three year strategy published for consultation today (1 December). The vision of AHDB’s new ‘Inspiring Success’ corporate strategy is ‘creating a world-class food and farming industry’. It has also redefined AHDB’s purpose as ‘inspiring farmers, growers and the industry to succeed in a rapidly changing world’.

  逐渐缩小英国和欧盟养猪户之间的产能差距,集中精力把猪肉打造成英国日常的肉类佳肴,这是英国农业和园伊⒅猪肉部门(AHDB Pork)在未来三年内政策的中央主题。今天英国在评议会上予以公开。英国最新企业策略‘鼓动成功’的愿景是发明世界一流的食品和农业产业。它也同样印证了英国农业和园伊⒅的追求所在,即‘不断勉励养殖者、种植者和产业在日新月异的世界中取得成功’。


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